Before every play, regardless of your position, you should be gathering information from the opposition. When you are on offense and have possession of the ball, gathering information from the Defense is vital for quality execution of that play. Playing Quarterback may be the most difficult position in all of sports due to the complexity and numerous ever changing variables. The best Quarterbacks leverage pre-snap information to help them understand what the Defense is trying to accomplish but more importantly, to speed up his ability to process reads and make the correct decision consistently.
Below are the Pre-snap variables you will be expected to learn during your time in the program. Before every play, you will be reminded to scan the field left to right while considering the variables below.
Pre-snap variable Quarterbacks will learn during training:
Cornerback Soft or Hard
Middle of the Field Open or Closed
How many Overhang Defenders
What is the likely Defensive Coverage on this play

Cornerback Soft or Hard?
Cornerback Soft = Cornerback 6 or more yards away
Cornerback Hard = Cornerback 5 or less yards away

How many Safety's are there?
1 High Safety = Middle of the Field Closed
2 High Safety's = Middle of the Field Open

Is the Middle of the Field Open or Closed?
Middle of the Field Closed = 1 High Safety
Middle of the Field Open = 2 High Safety's

How many Overhang Defenders?
Overhang Defenders are OLB that are lined up outside the Box (from DE to DE back to MLB)
1 Overhang Defenders
2 Overhang Defenders

What is the likely Defensive Coverage on this play?
Cover 0 = No Safety's, man to man for all position players, likely blitz
Cover 1 = 1 Safety, man to man for all position players
Cover 2 = 2 Safety's, 2 deep zone
Cover 3 = 1 Safety, 3 deep zone
Cover 4 = 2 Safety's, 4 deep zone
Cover 5 = 2 Safety's, 4 deep zone
Offensive Coordinator, play caller, play calling, quarterback, tools, resources, qb, quarterback technology, high school football, college, university, professional, nfl, NCAA, fcs, youth football, resources, middle school
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